How We Help

Spiritual Care

Spiritual Care 

We recognize that clients dealing with trauma, loss, loneliness, and anxiety – and those celebrating joys and victories – can all benefit from spiritual care.

Our spiritual care program combines pastoral care with social services best practices to combat social isolation and affirm the infinite worth of each person. Spiritual health is a fundamental component of a person’s overall health and wellness. That is why the focus of our program is on healing, supporting, reconciling, nurturing, liberating, and empowering people in whatever situation they find themselves in. We work with all people, regardless of religious affiliation, and liaise with other workers or services to meet our clients’ needs.

Spiritual Care Services

All our spiritual care programming is provided on-site, and offers a combination of one-to-one support and group activities, including:

  • One-to-one spiritual care sessions: tend to clients’ spiritual needs and questions, provide opportunities for meaningful conversation, and facilitate religious or spiritual study and prayer
  • Weekly Sunday services and community dinners: provide opportunities for social interaction and fellowship
  • Memorial services: honour clients or their loved ones who have passed and provide a space for grief
  • Consultations and referrals: connect clients with other community agencies, faith-based programs, and support networks

Truth and Reconciliation

EHM acknowledges the importance of spiritual practices through which Indigenous peoples experience the presence of the Creator. We are committed to walking with the Indigenous community to seek a shared truth that will lead to restoring right relations.

  • Our spiritual care staff lead spiritual study with Indigenous clients and facilitate smudging on-site.
  • Our client support team provides referrals to Indigenous clients seeking Indigenous spiritual practices and resources.
  • Outreach workers from the Four Winds Indigenous Health and Wellness Program conducted a needs assessment with our Indigenous clients and has helped shape EHM's programming.
  • EHM is an active member of the West End Aboriginal Advisory Council.

Get in Touch

Do you wonder if Spiritual Care might be helpful to you? Our Spiritual Care team welcomes your questions. Please call 416.504.3563 x 245.

Is your congregation interested in providing a Sunday meal? Contact us at or call 416.504.3563 x 231.